Looking for strategic partnership, investment or to exit ?

Fusion is building a Global Specialist MGA Partnership, enabled by Data & Technology.

We are looking for aligned partners to develop great businesses together.

We’re Entrepreneurs who want to support fellow Insurance Intra / Entrepreneurs on their road less travelled.

We empathise with the challenges faced on your journey. Everybody on our team has real life experience of building businesses from idea phase through launch to profitability.

We are seeking niche opportunities supported by smart market positioning, real expertise, a specialist knowledge, a differentiated distribution angle and the applicability of data analytics, AI / machine learning & technology to your business model.

We’re flexible on how such partnerships are structured

Investment / Exits

We are also is seeking to change the way Insurance Intra / Entrepreneurs are backed.

Our Group holding company – POP Holdings  – manage investments.

POP also does buy-outs of established specialist / specialty insurance businesses.