Why buy
Tax Risk Insurance ?

Tax Risk Insurance is an effective solution for corporates, funds and individuals to protect against the tax risk associated with corporate structures, specific transactional issues and other areas of tax related uncertainty.


Valuable tool during mergers and acquisitions when the parties have identified a tax risk but neither party is willing or able to retain the risk.

Transfers an uncertain liability from the insured to the insurer.

Reduces the insured’s concerns about a potentially adverse challenge from a tax authority.

Allows for improved balance sheet certainty.

Preserve or enhance the value of an asset.

Can enable restructurings and rationalisation of corporate structures.

Facilitates increased fiscal certainty.

Assists in managing negative financial impact.

What is Task Risk Insurance ?

Tax Risk Insurance is an effective solution to protect against the tax risk associated with corporate structures, specific transactional issues and other areas of tax related uncertainty. 

Tax Liability Insurance is suitable for risks turning on questions of law rather than fact and is unlikely to be available for repetitive or purely tax motivated transactions or those cases already subject to audit, litigation or on appeal from a tax authority.

Subject to Fusion’s risk assessment, the Tax Risk policy can respond by: 

  • Mitigating risks arising from tax uncertainty in corporate and fund structures
  • Removing the need for an indemnity/ escrow/ price adjustment in M&A transactions
  • Wrap around the specific parameters of the liability
  • Insure a wide range of jurisdictions and taxes.

Insurable and Rate

Whether a tax risk is insurable and the Rate on Line will depend on a variety of factors, including:

The jurisdiction of the tax authority and the insured

The availability and quality of advice including the technical

The probability of risk discovery

Our analysis of the defense arguments

What is Covered?

The policy will provide protection for:

The estimated tax exposure of the identified tax risk(s)

Interest and penalties

Defense costs

Incremental costs should the proceeds under the Specific

Tax Risk Insurance Policy be themselves taxable (‘Gross Up’)

Product Protection Features

How does Tax Risk Insurance (Offline) work?

This process usually takes between 1 and 3 weeks.

1 Initial Discussion – contact your advisor, broker or Fusion to discuss the suitability of the Task Risk protection for your transaction.

2 Submission terms provided to Fusion. including detailed advice from the insureds tax / legal advisors setting out the background, the potential tax liability and an analysis of the likelihood of the liability arising.

3 Fusion provides non-binding terms.

4 Appointment of Fusion as Insurer.

5 Detailed Underwriting – assessment of the risk in conjunction with Fusion’s external tax counsel.

6 Negotiation of policy wording.

7 Policy Binding and Signing.


Request a call back

If you’d like to have a conversation with one of our team, please send us your name, email and phone number and we’ll get back you to as soon as possible.

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